Vulva and Vaginal Massage

Fire in the Valley - Female Genital Massage

60 minutes of video with Joseph Kramer and Annie Sprinkle.

​​If you are new to female genital massage, this is a great place to begin your learning and practicing. Fire in the Valley, our most popular class, offers step-by-step instruction in pleasuring a woman. You will learn thirty delightful massage strokes for the vulva, with a special emphasis on erectile tissue: the vagina, clitoris, vestibular bulbs, legs of the clitoris, urethral sponge,and the often forgotten perineal sponge. Enroll Now.

The Best of Vulva Massage

Two hours of first-class vulva touch from ten down-to-earth experts.

This class gathers easy-to-learn teachings and demonstrations from ten different practiced sex educators. This collection teaches the full spectrum of vulva touch: lovemaking with a partner, self-loving, ritual healing, genital therapy, sex coaching, performance art and good old-fashioned pleasuring. Enroll Now.

Jaiya’s Genital Massage for People with Vulvas

Jaiya, featured on the Netflix series “Sex, Love and Goop,” guides you in touch that takes your lover into extraordinary erotic states. With specific instruction and explicit close ups, Jaiya teaches you massage strokes for the clitoris, vulva, g-spot, and vagina. Three male-female couples demonstrate their love through conscious, intimate touch. Enroll Now.

Connected Cunnilingus - Pleasuring with Mouth and Touch

Two skilled couples show you how to use your hands as well as your mouth to increase your partner's pleasure as well as your own. These cunnilingus techniques range from introductory to advanced. Enroll Now.


Anal Massage on a Woman

Although the focus of this class is on learning anal massage, the lovers Kitty and Robin and Suz and Roy integrate genital stimulation into their anal massage. The master class from Chester Mainard gives specific guidance on including sexual arousal in an anal massage, including hygiene protocals. Enroll Now.

Lovers Getting Started with Erotic Massage

Anastasia and Destin are sex educators who have just become lovers. They both wanted to begin a regular practice of erotic massage as one of their ways of lovemaking. The video Anastasia Becomes Her Orgasm is important education in how to receive erotic touch. All forms of Orgasmic Yoga for lovers taught here involve a commitment to ongoing, co-created, erotic massage sessions. The practices involve the lovers taking turns giving and receiving touch while consciously breathing together. This separation of giving and receiving opens the possibility for deeper levels of embodiment and new ways of relating as a couple. Enroll Now.

SexBod Sessions

This class offers demonstrations of Sexological Bodywork sessions. Certified Sexological Bodyworkers are professional somatic sex educators who teach through body-based exercises and experiences. In the video Vulva Anal Eroticism, Roy Turpin simultaneously stimulates the vulva and anus, transporting Suz into an altered state. In Transcendent Bodies, Barbara Carrellas of Urban Tantra offers teaching on how to touch trans and gender non-conforming bodies in ways that are affirming and consentful. In Due Date Witnessing and Coaching, very pregnant Robin touches their genitals in preparation for giving birth. In these sessions, you will see how constant communication is extremely important. Enroll Now.