The Erotic Roots of Sexological Bodywork43:37 min
In 2020, Joseph Kramer was invited to give the keynote address at The International Congress on Somatic Sexology. In his talk, Joseph describes in detail the profound lessons he learned teaching Taoist Erotic Massage and how this way of touching inspired him to create the new profession of Sexological Bodywork.
Sexological Bodyworkers often make use of erotic massage to introduce students to a state of arousal that is free of fantasy, unfinished emotional business, religious dogma, cultural caveats and habitual sexual behaviors. The receiver accesses this erotic-state-beyond-distraction by breathing a faster rebirthing breath in rhythm with the giver while avoiding impulses to chase orgasm or ejaculation.
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Psychotherapist-Sexological Bodyworker Collaboration3:24 min
Jack Morin, Ph.D., describes seven therapeutic areas where he has seen Sexological Bodywork contribute to psychotherapy.
Dr. Morin explains, “throughout most of my thirty years as a therapist, I have made recommendations to my clients that they get hands-on work, massage and other kinds of touch. Some of my clients' issues would take years or might never be resolved by standard non-touching therapy. Sexological Bodywork, in particular, builds a bridge from talking to experience in cases that involve one's sexuality. I have felt that a profession such as Sexological Bodywork was needed, so it's exciting to see this new profession, with its specialized training and ethical operating principles, being utilized by therapy clients. It has changed the way that I work to have this kind of therapy available.”
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Male Multiple Orgasms9:60 min
Sexological Bodyworker Moshe Weizman says it is crucial for men to pay attention during the thirty seconds just before the "point of no return.” Skillful relaxation at this time allows men to experience an orgasm without ejaculation. Male multiple orgasms can be practiced and learned by paying attention to our changing levels of sexual arousal.
The last few minutes of this video show Moshe receiving a Sexological Bodywork session from his friend Jennifer. His attention is never focused on Jennifer. This is not lovemaking. Moshe is placing his attention on his own sexual arousal, so he can regulate his levels of pleasure. Jennifer’s role is not to arouse him but to help him become more aware of what is happening in his body.
Moshe's movie, The Joy of Multiple Orgasms for Men, is available on his website:
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Breath2:17 min
Breath keeps you present in the massage. It also shows you where you are resisting erotic charge.
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The Core of Taoist Erotic Massage5:29 min
This massage consists of genital stimulation, breathing, and full body clenches.
“Many have described this state as the most profound blissful state they’ve ever experienced.” -Isa Magdalena
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Erotic Generosity–Reflections from Ben Haggard6:44 min
Ben Haggard is trained in both massage therapy and in Sexological Bodywork. “I have come to believe that one of the most profound weaknesses in the way massage is conventionally taught is the taboo against including erotic touch in the massage. I believe this taboo is actually harmful and runs counter to the deepest and most central principles of massage therapy.” Ben offers erotic massage instruction in Anal Massage on a Man.
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Erotic Embodiment with Isa Magdalena5:11 min
The intention of Taoist Erotic Massage is full embodiment. The receiver awakens to an awareness of his or her whole, aroused body. The receiver’s attention is not focused solely on the genitals. Some men are surprised during a Taoist Erotic Massage because they can’t tell if they have an erection or not. Arousal is felt pleasurably and intensely throughout the entire body. Read more about Isa Magdalena’s journey as an erotic healer in her own words.
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Listening to Our Bodies6:54 min
Chester Mainard speaks about the Language of the Body and the importance of being physically embodied. Listening to the wisdom of our bodies not only allows us to understand pleasure and pain, desire and disease, it also allows us to feel our interconnectedness with all living beings. For Chester, life's awe-inspiring mysteries are right at our fingertips and our breath. "We are sitting on it."
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Pleasure with Isa Magdalena1:12 min
Sexological Bodyworker Isa Magdalena describes "pleasure" as the interaction of excitement and bliss. Physiologically, “excitement” is felt as a gradual increase in the neural firings. “Bliss” is felt as a gradual decrease of our neural firings. This definition of pleasure comes from Silvan Tomkins' affect theory.
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