Sex Therapist Jack Morin, one of the co-creators of the profession of Sexological Bodywork, writes about the collaboration between psychotherapists and Sexological Bodyworkers.
“Sexological Bodywork builds a bridge from talking to experience in cases that involve one’s sexuality. I have felt that a profession such as Sexological Bodywork was needed, so it’s exciting to see this new profession, with its specialized training and ethical operating principles, being utilized by therapy clients. It has changed the way that I work to have this kind of therapy available. It is so much simpler now to recommend clients get bodywork with a defined and specialized profession. My clients have been getting very powerful results.
“Sexological Bodywork requires certain skills that not everyone can do. CSBs must have the ability to be with someone in a non-judgmental way, to be clear they are there for the client and that no one needs to prove anything. It also requires the ability to discern when a traumatic reaction happens. Even when the client doesn’t say
anything, a professional can tell when something is going on in the body. The CSB will respond accordingly, will be very gentle, very still; then they’ll ask the person about it, staying calm. That is tremendously reassuring to most clients. It says that the bodyworker is paying attention, is respectful; that they see that the client’s feelings matter.
These are advanced skills. Not everyone can do them.
“Therapists and Certified Sexological Bodyworkers alike need to be part of defining how to do this collaborative process: What should happen, what can happen, what framework to use to ensure safety and clear boundaries. People are better able to drop normal inhibitions if they have a safe space in which to do that. The professionals must be watching the boundaries to make sure the clients are safe. When clients feel how defined the situation is, they can let go and move beyond their inhibitions.”